• ilham@ilh.com.pk
  • +92-300-5320700

The essence of FUE hair transplantation is in the hair on the back of the head . For all patients who have enough quantity and quality of donor area in the back of the head, in that case the hair transplantation procedure is absolutely applicable

Before the hair transplantation process, a consultation with the operating agency is always necessary. This consultation can be done personally and by email, by sending pictures. On this consultation we will inspect and determine, the intervention can be performed for the patient or not, the possibilities and what kind of results can be expected.

- Real results, natural effect - internationally proven procedure - newly developed special tools - fast regeneration FUE hair transplantation technology is the only way to solve the balding problem with aesthetic results! The procedure requires minimal invasive intervention, only with special needles, so after surgery, there will be scars or cuts.

At our clinic, 2 forms of consultation are officially accepted on the basis of the professional protocol. Personal and Email Consultation. For those patients who have been e-mailed for consultation, we do not have to make a personal consultation, and we can not expect from anyone to travel hundreds or thousands kilometers for the personal consultation. In case of the foreign patients, the e-mail consultation form is the accepted and possible solution. In case of personal consultation, it is always necessary to reserve an appointment.

The hair implantation is not a cosmetic treatment, but a serious medical operation, it is always required the pre-surgey planning and consultation with the clinic.

We are talking about a specific and unique problem for every patient, there are not two identical cases, so in each case, the amount of required hair for each patient is individually determined, depending on the donor area’s condition, and the patient's personal facitilies. The hair implatntation planning is based on strict international rules and professional protocols. These rules accurately determine what is the minimum for a given cm2 area, the amount of hair required and implanted, which is absolutely necessary in order to be effective in hair implanting. The professional minimum hair /cm2 must always be implanted! Precise assessment of the problem and the amount of hair required for results can only be determined through a medical consultation!

In all cases, the amount of extractable hairs is determined by the patient's donor's properties (quantity, quality, condition). Each patient has a donor area, which is completely different for each person, so it is always necessary the personalized consultation.

For patients with an optimal donor area, the donor area contains enough hair to allow the problem area to be implanted. In this case, there is no professional handicap for surgery.

When just a part of the donor area can be used. It means that the amount of extractable hair is less than the optimal. In this cases, the professional planning must be very precise.

In the case where the donor area is inappropriate, unfortunately, FUE hair implantation can not be accomplished, because there is no where to extract hair.

NO! In the case of FUE hair transplantation, ONLY YOUR hair can be transplanted, no other option is available.

Hair fibers / hair follicles that grow in the back of the head region are the property of resisting hormone effects. It is because of their properties, and that is why possible to transplant these hair fibers.

The hairs that have been removed from the donor area because they are removed with hair bulbs, they are not re-growing in the back area. It is important to have professional medical hair transplantation planning, since every patient has a finite amount of hair available for transplantation. Fort he patients with a good donor area, 2-3-round surgery is possible. Those who have a limited donor area they needs a professional planning, design and hair volume allocation.

Expected density depends on several factors. The donor area's territorial capabilities, the extent of the problem area to be implanted. However at the first intervention, most of the cases do not have a dense and natural effect as normal hair. Normally one person's head contains an average of 140-150 hairs in 1cm2 area. With the first surgery, a minimum of 50-60 hairs will be implanted, so if the donor area allows, there is a possibility for a further surgery (for elevating the density, or 2nd round) .

Surgery time can be requested personally, by phone and e-mail at our clinic. In each case, it is a prerequisite for the patient to participate in a pre-surgery consultation at our clinic. In order to select the surgical time, the patient must be aware of the need for 7 to 10 days for the healing.

- It is imperative to consult your medical office about your medications, vitamins and nutritional supplements, as it may be that one of these should be discontinued for the duration of the procedure. - If you have any chronic illness, you should definitely tell the surgery institute! - For any drug allergy medication, consult your doctor during the pre-operation consultation. - The night before surgery, wash your hair.

For 3 weeks, it is forbidden! (Any sports activity, swimming in the pool, solarium and sauna)

The patient will receive detailed and accurate oral and written information at the clinic, after surgery.



Town Tower, University Town,, KPK, Peshawar, Pakistan

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